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2014-07-31 (尚未設定標題) (280) (3)
2014-07-30 Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 鼠尾草與海鹽 (16457) (0)
2014-07-04 LONGCHAMP 2014 秋冬預覽 - 融合巴黎左岸與右岸的優雅不羈 (497) (0)
2014-07-03 Cheese Check with Polka Dots與我的奶油白藍黴起司 (231) (0)
2014-06-27 Kiss Me 紅脣與領帶 (215) (0)
2014-06-27 Secret Garden 綻放著的繽紛花叢 (130) (0)
2014-06-27 Flowers in shape 夏日度假印花 (97) (0)
2014-06-27 HERMES Leather Forever @松菸2號倉庫 (165) (0)
2014-06-27 Enchanted woods 走入森林 (84) (0)
2014-06-27 [EVENT]2014 AW Valentino Preview (71) (0)
2014-06-27 Butterfly Silk 絲質光澤與蝴蝶般的 (62) (0)
2014-05-27 [OUTFIT] Arty Metal 未來感度假 (195) (0)
2014-04-22 [Opening Party]Alice+Olivia 走入上城女孩的童話繽紛色調裡 @微風廣場Breeze Center (671) (0)
2014-04-22 細緻格紋與隅田川的流水櫻花@Tokyo Skytree (141) (0)
2014-04-15 Sakura 漫天散落的櫻花雨@東京 目黑川 (229) (0)
2014-03-30 Marble Wool Print 大理石般堅韌的白與蓊鬱的綠@Neverland浮線發想之島 (142) (0)
2014-03-15 Easy way to visit CHANEL SUPERMARKET 拜訪CHANEL超市 (211) (0)
2014-03-13 Chic Chicken 俏皮動物圖騰 (150) (0)
2014-03-12 Sporty Wear 金屬光與印花交錯 (103) (0)
2014-03-11 走入度假氛圍的花團錦簇 @Neverland浮線發想之島 (285) (0)
2014-03-09 色塊堆疊出愉快的渡假心情 @Neverland 浮線發想之島 (333) (0)
2014-03-08 Pink Boom 粉紅炸彈 (233) (0)
2014-02-23 Sporty Spring 奔向早春 (213) (1)
2014-02-11 Neon sporty OOPS 螢光運動 (129) (0)
2014-02-09 Leather Jacket 皮衣的起點 (169) (0)
2014-02-03 Pink Boy in town 粉嫩春天與深夜藍 (191) (1)
2014-01-20 Overcast Glitter 覆蓋著的燦爛鮮紅 (213) (0)
2014-01-03 Golden Hoilday 織金假期 (281) (2)
2013-12-27 [PRESS EVENT] Balenciaga 透視美學2014 春夏新品預覽 (306) (1)
2013-12-12 Metal Glossy 金屬光澤感 (309) (0)
2013-12-09 OOPS!空氣人形 (635) (4)
2013-12-01 [Outfit the Week] November 十一月的最後一週 (430) (3)
2013-11-21 My Little Leather Jacket (316) (2)
2013-11-11 [Paris Outfit]Print on Vertical Stripes 印花與直紋的相遇 (421) (2)
2013-11-06 Jo Malone London 2013魔幻季節 聖誕節限量商品茶會 (3316) (2)
2013-11-02 [Paris Outfit]Before Chanel @Grand Palais (393) (1)
2013-10-23 [Paris outfit] 16th Cloudia Chahu with my trenchcoat 秋色織紋與風衣 (896) (1)
2013-10-20 Maple River 如楓紅落下般 (367) (0)
2013-10-14 [PARIS Outfit]Jardin des Tuileries 杜樂麗花園狂想曲 (428) (0)
2013-10-07 [PARIS Outfit]Le Couvent des Cordeliers-科德利埃修道院 (398) (0)
2013-09-22 Military sparkle (405) (0)
2013-09-16 [合作]緻美診所-讓我皮膚光澤度滿分的3D立體光波拉皮 (1327) (0)
2013-09-16 Green Garden 我的綠色花園 (378) (0)
2013-09-11 The Gallery Opening Party (696) (1)
2013-08-31 緻美診所CHIMEI COSMETIC CLINIC玻尿酸讓法令紋BYEBYE (1244) (0)
2013-08-14 [Outfit]Calvin Klein watch & jewelry event (291) (1)
2013-08-04 Jo Malone London<Peony and Blush Suede >牡丹與嫣紅麂皮新品發表會 (12019) (2)
2013-07-26 Deep Blue 深藍襯衫與夏季的一抹綠 (952) (4)
2013-07-25 Blue and white porcelain 青花瓷般的夏日午後 (459) (1)
2013-07-19 Cecilia with Floria 澎裙狂想曲 (272) (1)
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